Offspring Choir
Next Wednesday's Music and Munch will feature a well-known regular performer in concert with a very new choir.
In his familiar place at the console of All Saints' beloved pipe organ, Barry Valentine will be joined by the
Offspring Choir for a program designed to lead the audience into Remembrance week.
Offspring Choir was formed in June from Salt Spring Singers members as a smaller choral group available to
perform act various local functions ~ hence the name Offspring.
Its director and accompanist, Mitch and Jennifer Howard respectively, also perform the same functions for the
full choir. Mitch Howard took over as Singers director earlier this year.
The November 5 event will be Offspring's third performance, having made its first public appearance at the
opening of the Victoria Flower and Garden Show, at Royal Roads in July, and its second at last weekend's Peace
Festival at Mahon Hall.
Barry Valentine performs a regular series of organ recitals called Simply Organic on the All Saints’ pipe
organ on Wednesday mornings from September through May ~ except for the first Wednesday of each month when Music
and Munch is held.
The free concert begins at 12:10 pm, followed by an optional $5.50 lunch prepared by the Anglican Caterers.