Via Dolorosa
Lovers of choral music will be delighted by the upcoming Music and Munch performance on April 7th. Enhanced
by the astonishingly beautiful acoustics of All Saints' church, home of Music and Munch since 1996, recitals are,
as a rule, of a secular nature. This year however, the event serendipitously falls on the Wednesday of Holy week,
providing the opportunity to present some of the lovely choral anthems of the Lenten season. In December, Music
Makers - producers of the organ recital series "Simply Organic" and of Music and Munch - brought together an ad
hoc choir, to sing a concert of carols for Christmastide. Led by organist Barry Valentine, the occasion was a
great success and very much enjoyed by both choristers and audience members. When Music Makers invited Barry and
the choir to provide the music for the next Music and Munch, they were delighted to find the same group eager to
make music together again. The choir, composed mostly of some members of Salt Spring Singers, the All Saints' and
the United Church Choir, also includes soloists Janette Grey, Connie Holmes and Anke Smeele. Although more
challenging in its concept and execution than the Christmas concert, this occasion promises to provide a similar
very moving experience both musically and spiritually. The programme entitled 'Via Dolorosa', will take us on the
sorrowful road of Passiontide, through hymns and anthems ranging from the 15th to the 20th century. For those
not necessarily interested in the Christian expression of its belief, the music nevertheless provides symbols of
darkness and light, sorrow and hope, which are all fundamental to the human experience. Free music begins at
l2.l0pm at All Saints' church, followed by an optional lunch for $5.50. |